Quality Tooth Fillings in Minnesota & Wisconsin
If you tell someone you just had a dental appointment, the one question they inevitably ask is, "Did you have any cavities?" Left untreated, cavities can cause tremendous pain and further oral health complications down the road. Fortunately, dental fillings are a common and relatively minor procedure that can help restore your dental health.
How Does a Tooth Filling Work?
Cavities are typically caused by bacteria that enters the tooth and causes decay. A filling restores the damaged tooth so it can return to its normal function and shape while also preventing future cavities. If your dentist finds a cavity during your checkup or on an x-ray, he or she will recommend the right treatment. When a filling is the best course of action, your dentist will assist you in determining which type of filling is right for you based on the position and severity of the cavity as well as your dental history and needs. At Park Dental, we can fill your cavities or replace an old filling with a variety of materials including:
Our dentists perform fillings at all of our convenient locations throughout the Twin Cities, greater Minnesota and western Wisconsin. The procedure involves removing decayed material, cleaning the area and filling the cavity with the appropriate material. Only your Park Dental dentist can determine whether or not you have a cavity and advise how it should be treated.