Dental Fillings for Children
Fluoridated water and toothpaste have gone a long way toward improving the oral hygiene of American kids. But sometimes, regular brushing and flossing aren’t enough, and your child will develop a cavity.
That’s why it’s important to know about tooth fillings to treat cavities.
What Are Cavities?
Cavities happen when plaque builds up on teeth. Plaque is a sticky substance filled with bacteria-causing germs, and too much plaque makes it easier for acid in the mouth to eat through tooth enamel. If this goes on long enough, a hole can develop that damages the tooth structure. This is called a cavity. One in 5 kids between the ages of 5 to 11 have untreated tooth decay, and 1 in 7 teenagers do.

Tooth Fillings Are Safe for Children
If your child does develop a cavity, they will likely need a dental filling. During this process, your dentist will drill the tooth to remove the decayed part of it. Then a filling will be inserted to make the tooth whole again.
There are a wide variety of filling materials. All of them are safe for children.
Options include:
- Composite Resin Fillings
Tooth-colored and natural-looking - Dental Amalgam Fillings
Silver and are the most durable fillings - Gold Fillings
- Porcelain Fillings
So don’t neglect treating cavities in baby teeth just because they will fall out later. Untreated tooth decay is a serious health problem for kids at any age (and adults too).

Request an appointment with a family dentist you can trust at a Park Dental location near you.